Have you ever tried to save money when you don't have a real job? It's not so easy! But these are the things I'm saving up for!
1. Some Oakley shades. Aren't they cute?!? Add some flip flops, a tank top, and a pretty summer day and that sounds perfect to me! Too bad they're way expensive....maybe I'll just settle for the "Faux"kley's.
2. Ear phones for my iPod. I need new ones because mine broke and now I can't listen to my iPod when I'm working out! It makes for a very boring cardio workout.
3. A full body massage. For a few different reasons.... 1) Nursing school is stressful. 2) I don't have a boyfriend/husband to rub my back whenever I want. 3) I'm the only one in my family that's never had a massage. 4) I can't afford to get pedicures all the time and the people at the nail salons won't just let me sit in their massaging chairs for free. So, I'm going to save up and buy a massage!
P.S. I don't have a picture for this one!
4. A punching bag. Because I need to take all of my aggression out on something. Just kidding! I'm a generally happy person, I just think it would be fun to punch the crap out of a punching bag every now and then...it would be like a workout!
5. A white Ford Fusion. Because isn't it pretty?!? Either a Fusion or an Xterra or something bigger than my lil car because I don't want to be Flintstoning it down the road for the rest of my life! Besides, my lil black car, bless its heart, isn't going to last for very much longer, I'm afraid!
14 years ago
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